Diversity with Code + Art

Site: https://diversity.p5js.org

Web curation of p5.js sketches aimed to highlight and inspire diversity amongst the art and code community through valuing representation and visibility of various identities.

This first series focuses on artwork created by Asian women and gender non-conforming artists, coders, and designers. The second series is an interactive book club in conjunction with  The Council on Science and Technology at Princeton University.

p5.js, HTML, CSS.

The p5.js Community

What fascinated me the most about p5.js is the community guidelines on inclusivity and education above everything. My eyes widened as I listened to Lauren McCarthy talk about her experience in creating p5.js and its first contributors conference filled with anyone willing to join. At the end of the conference, she discovered the capability of a community to educate and support one another. That code can be successful when the everyone is invited to be involved.

Diversity with Code + Art became an opportunity to witness firsthand what Lauren was able to see in the conference: the merging art and technology at the hands of enthusiastic, inclusive people. 



When we can see other identities we resonate with, we internalize what is possible for us. My hope is that when people come on this site, they see the possibility for a future where we can push boundaries, a future that calls for open dialogue, a future that celebrates diversity and it’s not just a requirement, a future where one can feel empowered to be anything and know they aren’t alone in the struggle, and a future that can be bright and colorful.
— Chelly Jin, Undergraduate Research Week Presentation Speech


Diversity with Code + Art Breakdown

  • Component One - Visibility : A curation of interactive artwork created by artists, designers, and coders within that marginalized niche. The curation is hosted on p5.js homepage.
  • Component Two - Representation : A website of qualitative interviews with each creator to talk about these issues of diversity in code and art communities and their experiences. The website is diversity.p5js.org.
  • Every “season” we focus on one marginalized community.

The pipeline is: we decide on a focus community, find artists, designers, and coders within that community, showcase interactive art by them, and interview them to let them share their stories.


Social Media Outreach

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